Friday, April 25, 2008

Come And Celebrate A Milestone In Hip Hop Culture!

Video Music Box 25th Anniversary Concert
Friday, July 18, 2008
From 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Admission: FREE
Central Park SummerStage

Hip Hop's Dick Clark: Ralph McDaniels

The influence of "Video Music Box" stretches far and wide, as the show is one of the first and longest running outlets for Hip-Hop since the genre’s inception. Twenty-five years after its debut, Ralph McDaniels hosts a celebration concert featuring performances by a who's who of hip-hop icons from the series’ illustrious history.


Animal Mother said...

I'll be in attendance.

Rob said...

Hi. I have a blog (PageRank 4). I would like to exchange links (A->B C->A) with your site ( www anditsstillallgood blogspot com ). Are you interested? Remember to quote this text in your answer (my e-mail: eerie[at] ). Then remove this comment.

kosha dillz said...

wor dman...

thi is real..i gotta pic with him

animal do i get you a press release!!! and show you my LP ..of real hip hop with CRAYZ WALz

great blog!

Clear said... for good music

Clay said...

Animal Mother... lookin' to pick up that Jaz/Jay Originators mp3 from 1990. Can you help me out?


Animal Mother said...

Yeah man I'll re that up

scottajronan said...

I like your blog and hav eput a link to it on my blog. Please do the same if you like my blog.

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